Seoul, South Korea


Photo taken last February 9, 2018 while walking from Myeongdong station to the Namsan cable car. It was not that far but the streets were uphill so it took some effort.


JiufenVillage, Taiwan


Photo taken last November 2016. Funny ‘cause all I remember here was that we were so hungry but we ended up in a tea house  — and of course they only serve tea.

Otaru Canal

C4EDC8A9-219E-4EBB-BC93-D6D6E79256B4.jpegPhoto taken last 2017 in Otaru, Japan. Reading manga makes me miss this place. Someday I’m going to go back there and ride that cruise.


Thankful for the days when I could just sit and relax in a park with a book in my hands.

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